What a difference a year makes. Picking Pumpkins with the family Work in progress of watercolor flowers. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and I usually plan for our family to visit farms, pick pumpkins, decorate the house, cook treats, and enjoy the cooler weather. This time last year, I was two weeks post-op from a very unexpected surgery. This year I am so thankful of where this year has taken us. I am feeling more like myself, I am talking some great art classes. My kids are back in school, playing sports, and making friends. I have made friends too. Hard to believe we will be moving again next year, but until then we will enjoy each day. Kristye.com
Top: The dreaded website error message. Below: It’s me, I’m back! Hello, I am back in my studio after another big life change. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t communicate well during the transition. Why you may ask? Because I become so hyper focused and channel all of my energy to the process. This time, it was another move. We moved from Ohio to Virginia in July. Many of my creative breaks happen during PCS (Permanent Change of Station) season. As a military family we have experienced 6 of these. My daughter is in the 7th grade and has attended 5 schools. My son is in the 4th grade and has already been in 4 schools. One of those school years was homeschool taught by me. My most “creative work” of late has been organizing school enrollment, arranging goodbye parties, an August birthday in May before we moved, planning camps in a new town, signing the kids up for teams, scouts, music lessons, and gathering school supplies. I also have had the honor of dismantling one home and tu...